Lệnh Linux quản lí user group

Các lệnh quản lí user, group trên Ubuntu Server.



chage (1)            - change user password expiry information
chfn (1)             - change real user name and information
chsh (1)             - change login shell
expiry (1)           - check and enforce password expiration policy
gpasswd (1)          - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
passwd (1ssl)        - OpenSSL application commands
passwd (1)           - change user password
passwd (5)           - the password file
chgpasswd (8)        - update group passwords in batch mode
chpasswd (8)         - update passwords in batch mode
cppw (8)             - copy with locking the given file to the password or group file
groupadd (8)         - create a new group
groupdel (8)         - delete a group
groupmems (8)        - administer members of a user's primary group
groupmod (8)         - modify a group definition on the system
grpck (8)            - verify integrity of group files
grpconv (8)          - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grpunconv (8)        - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
newusers (8)         - update and create new users in batch
pwck (8)             - verify integrity of password files
pwconv (8)           - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pwunconv (8)         - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
useradd (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
userdel (8)          - delete a user account and related files
usermod (8)          - modify a user account
vipw (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file
cpgr (8)             - copy with locking the given file to the password or group file
vigr (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file
/sbin/shadowconfig: nothing appropriate.

Các lệnh quản lí user, group trên Rocky Linux 9.

# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="9.3 (Blue Onyx)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 9.3 (Blue Onyx)"

/usr/bin/chage          /usr/bin/sg             /usr/sbin/groupmems     /usr/sbin/pwck          /usr/sbin/vigr
/usr/bin/gpasswd        /usr/sbin/adduser       /usr/sbin/groupmod      /usr/sbin/pwconv        /usr/sbin/vipw
/usr/bin/lastlog        /usr/sbin/chgpasswd     /usr/sbin/grpck         /usr/sbin/pwunconv
/usr/bin/newgidmap      /usr/sbin/chpasswd      /usr/sbin/grpconv       /usr/sbin/useradd
/usr/bin/newgrp         /usr/sbin/groupadd      /usr/sbin/grpunconv     /usr/sbin/userdel
/usr/bin/newuidmap      /usr/sbin/groupdel      /usr/sbin/newusers      /usr/sbin/usermod


chage (1)            - change user password expiry information
gpasswd (1)          - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
lastlog (8)          - reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user
newgidmap (1)        - set the gid mapping of a user namespace
newgrp (1)           - log in to a new group
newuidmap (1)        - set the uid mapping of a user namespace
sg (1)               - execute command as different group ID
adduser (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
chgpasswd (8)        - update group passwords in batch mode
chpasswd (8)         - update passwords in batch mode
groupadd (8)         - create a new group
groupdel (8)         - delete a group
groupmems (8)        - administer members of a user's primary group
groupmod (8)         - modify a group definition on the system
grpck (8)            - verify integrity of group files
grpconv (8)          - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
grpunconv (8)        - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
newusers (8)         - update and create new users in batch
pwck (8)             - verify integrity of password files
pwconv (8)           - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
pwunconv (8)         - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
useradd (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
userdel (8)          - delete a user account and related files
usermod (8)          - modify a user account
vigr (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file
vipw (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file

Bài tập Linux user, group.

Lệnh Linux để quản lí user, group trên Ubuntu Server 22.04 và Rocky Linux 9 có gì khác nhau hông?

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